Planning Your Apartment Move: How to Make it Happen in 8 Steps

Moving from apartment to apartment can be a bit of a trick. You have enough stuff that you need to rent a small Uhaul, but not so much stuff that you need to go through a huge month-long moving process. At most, packing up your apartment should only take about a week—2 days if you are really gung ho.

The following eight steps outline the entire moving process start to finish to make it as easy as possible for you,

1. Have Your New Place Ready to Go

This might seem like a no brainer, but have your new place up and running. Not only should you have signed the lease, but be sure to call your electric, gas, cable, internet and mail providers to make sure they have all ported your service over to your new place. This way, as soon as you plug in your television, you can do a Netflix binge. After a long day of moving, you’re going to want the ability to unwind.

2. Collect Boxes

Going to local grocers, furniture stores, and other retail locations is a great way to get free boxes for your move. You’ll be able to get a variety of sizes to suit your needs, but it’s best to get small boxes for easy organization.

3. Organize Your Boxes

Use small boxes and organize them by room. Keep each box for specific items. If you have plates in one box, only put plates and other dishes in with them.This will keep your boxes orderly and make unpacking easy.

4. Use a Moving App

Using a moving app like “Movers” allows you to take pictures and organize your boxes electronically. This makes keeping track of all of your items easy. Additionally, if you lose something in the moving process, you’ll be able to have an electronic record of its presence and possibly be reimbursed if you’re using a moving company.

5. Pack Your Big Items First

Load up your vehicle with your furniture and your box boxes first. This will make it easier for you to budget your space with your smaller boxes; filling in drawers and placing things on seat cushions. Playing Tetris with your boxes is the best way to get the most out of a smaller rental.

6. Unpack Within the Week

Once you’ve moved into your new place, be sure to unpack within the week that you move in. This way you will remember your boxes organization better, but you also will not end up procrastinating unpacking for months on end. Setting up an unpacking reward system is an excellent way to motivate yourself to set goals and complete them.

7. Organize The Place As You Go

Buy organizers for your files, for your silverware, and for everything you have that does not have a place. Your new apartment needs to be organized so that all your hard work will pay off. As you unpack a box, be sure to put everything away where you intend to keep it. This will create order and consistency within your environment.

8. Reward

Once you’ve finished your unpacking, treat yourself to a night out with friends or a spa treatment. Moving can be stressful, so make sure your reward is something designed to help you unwind.

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